
Building the main navigation

In autumn 2020 I started the front-end build of the main navigation prototype for the W3C website redesign. Nine months and four versions later, an approved prototype is ready for integration into the main website. Here I document the decisions and processes made along the way.

Version one

The draft sitemap at the time had three levels of items, and this formed the basis of the first prototype of the navigation.

The designs for small (read ‘mobile and tablet’) screens showed an off-canvas navigation with a button to toggle the display of the parent items. Further toggles were available to provide access to child and grandchild items. On large (read ‘laptop and desktop’) screens, the designs showed the parent items in a single horizontal line and the initial toggle button hidden. The parent items acted as toggles for a single dropdown containing a link to the parent item plus a mixture of child and grandchild items, arranged in three columns.

A hamburger icon was used for the initial state of the off-canvas navigation toggle button. As there is still discussion around the affordance of the hamburger icon, a text label was included to improve information scent.

Markup decisions

Before worrying about any styles or interaction behaviour, I needed to nail the underlying HTML markup. Using semantic elements makes those next steps less troublesome, and is the foundation to providing an accessible user experience.

My first decision was an easy one - to use unordered lists. It’s a tried and tested solution for website navigation, and lets users of assistive technology know how many items are present. Nested, unordered lists have formed the core of the navigation markup across all four prototypes.

The design showed the navigation behaving in different ways across small and large screens, beyond the off-canvas approach outlined above:

  • Grandchild items were collapsed on small screens, yet expanded on large screens
  • On large screens, the dropdown had a button to close it that wasn’t required on small screens
  • The small screen version needed extra buttons to allow users to move between the three collapsed levels of navigation.

So I decided upon having two copies of the navigation markup, one for small screens and one for large screens, and hiding the unused version with the CSS display: none; property at the desired viewport breakpoint. This was adding a lot to the HTML, but I felt this would be better than the additional CSS and JavaScript that would be needed to manipulate a single set of navigation markup.

Thinking about styles

The basis for choosing the viewport breakpoint at which the off-canvas menu was no longer required was not hugely scientific. I took a pixel measurement from the desktop version of the design, converted this to the relative em unit and added a bit extra to try and allow for changes in line length for translations from English to other languages.

Using unordered lists for the markup, it was necessary to adjust the CSS to remove the bullet indicators. However, doing so removes list element semantics. Because I felt it was important for users to know how many items were in the navigation, I opted to add role="list" in conjunction with the .clean-list class in Apollo1, 2 on the <ul> elements to restore the list semantics.

I opted to use CSS multi-column layout as a simple and robust way of creating the three columns needed for the desktop dropdown. I was keen to keep the CSS as light as possible given the amount of HTML.

I won’t go into details here, as it’s probably worthy of a separate post, but in our front end standards document we agreed to consider internationalization (i18n) in the front-end build. So I needed to use CSS logical properties where possible and tread carefully when using directional declarations such as margin-left, providing equivalent declarations for right-to-left languages.

Adding JavaScript for interactions

I used event delegation to handle the toggling of off-canvas navigation and the various sub-levels. This is more performant than using multiple event listeners on individual elements.

While I did use a button to toggle the off-canvas navigation, I used event.preventDefault() as a familiar approach to prevent the click event on navigation links that would act as toggles for the sub-levels. As you will see, I now know better!!

Feedback on the first prototype

Léonie Watson was among the people asked to take the prototype for a test-drive, and I am extremely grateful for her feedback.

I had used a combination of aria-labelledby and visually-hidden text to label the <nav> element. Léonie pointed out that this was resulting in screen readers announcing:

“Main navigation region” “Main” “List of 7 items” …

Her recommendation was to use aria-label instead. Knowing that the site will be translated in the future, I thought it would be better to avoid using aria-label. After mulling things over for a while, in the final navigation prototype I decided to follow Léonie’s advice. We will be providing a list of all strings that will need translating, so this shouldn’t be overlooked.

Léonie also called out my use of the event.preventDefault() JavaScript technique mentioned above, noting that the links should be buttons as they do not navigate anywhere. Full disclosure here: I shouldn’t have used this approach. I did it automatically, having seen other developers do it and knowing that it worked. But that’s not respectful to end users - and I hope that making this point here will dissuade others from taking this shortcut.

Léonie also commented on the lack of consistency in navigation behaviour. The decision to have grandchild items expanded on large screens was not in keeping with the earlier convention (on small screens) and made the experience for sighted keyboard users very laborious to navigate between child items. It must be possible to close each layer of navigation using Esc for the same reason.

The W3C team felt there was a lack of clarity as to what were links, what were headings (there were no headings!), and which links were children/grandchildren on large screens. Where I had duplicated links when the original was being used to toggle a level of navigation, there was concern about the amount of vertical space that was being used. The close button for the dropdown on large screens was not popular, and they echoed Léonie’s point about being able to use the Esc key.

This gave us plenty of food for thought for the next prototype.

Version two

HTML and JavaScript improvements

From Léonie’s feedback on the (lack of) consistency of the navigation and making it more efficient for sighted keyboard users, for the second prototype we decided to leave the grandchild level collapsed on both small and large screens. This meant that I could consolidate the two versions of the navigation markup into a single <nav> and cut out a lot of repetitive HTML (and fix an error with my list nesting!)

I also refactored the JavaScript to replace any link that would toggle a navigation level with a button, and repeat the link within the dropdown to allow users to reach that destination. Support for closing the navigation levels with the Esc key was added, and the dropdown close button for large screens was removed.

Switching from multi-column to grid layout

Unfortunately, collapsing the grandchild items on large screens did not work with CSS multi-column layout. Using flexbox wasn’t an option; I wanted the list of content to flow naturally across columns, and adding <div> elements to try and split things out felt bloated and would have invalidated the list markup. So I used CSS grid to arrange items in the large screen dropdown.

Although this created the visual appearance of columns, the arrangement of items had changed. Now they were arranged horizontally in rows, with one item added to each column until a row was complete, at which point a new implicit grid track was created. Additionally, when grandchild items were toggled open in one column, areas of whitespace would appear within the neighbouring columns.

I could have used grid-auto-flow: column; to change the default grid auto flow behaviour, but this would have required me to specify the number of rows in each dropdown as well as the number of columns. With the amount of items varying widely across different dropdowns, this felt too prescriptive.

Feedback on the second prototype

While they felt the navigation worked well on small screens, the W3C team disliked the changes resulting from collapsing the grandchild items and using CSS grid. The visual grouping of related items no longer felt right, and there was concern about the additional step needed to reveal grandchild items. On the previous prototype, it was easy to scan all of the available options in a given dropdown. This was a trade-off against the improvements for keyboard users, but there were strong calls to have the grandchild items expanded again.

There was some concern about the apparent duplication of items in the menus. A question was raised as to whether this was problematic from an accessibility point of view; I do not believe this was the case, as duplicate links were not used (a link was replaced with a button and then re-inserted into the subsequent dropdown).

It was flagged that, in addition to closing the navigation levels with Esc, users should also be able to close them by clicking outside of the navigation region.

A suggestion to drop the off-canvas navigation and expose the parent items from the outset created some discussion within the W3C team. This contradicted other feedback to reduce the vertical height of the header region, and was not pursued further.

It was agreed that Search would be added to the next navigation prototype.

The consensus was that the changes still had not suitably distinguished between child and grandchild items. Additionally, more work was needed to make the large screen dropdown stand out from the rest of the page content, and to highlight the selected <li>. The non-JS version of the navigation was also in need of stylistic attention; something that I was aware of but had moved towards the back of my list of priorities.

Version three

For the third prototype I dropped CSS grid layout in favour of multi-column layout and adjusted the CSS and JavaScript so that both child and grandchild links were expanded at all times. With the grandchild links now visible, I tried using a smaller font size and indentation to distinguish them from child links. The active parent item was highlighted and a light background colour added to the dropdown. A further tweak to the JavaScript allowed the navigation levels to close if a user clicked outside of the active level.

For the non-JS navigation, as well as tidying the visual appearance I decided to show just the parent links and hide everything else. The intent is that the content on these pages will guide users to wherever they want to get to within the site. No objections were raised to this approach.

It was noted that in Firefox, the styles intended to handle content breaks within the multi-column layout were not working as desired. For example, in the ‘Resources’ dropdown the ‘Conferences’ link was migrating to the second column rather than staying within the first column. Whilst this is a minor annoyance it does not disrupt a user’s ability to scan and navigate the links.

Prior to sharing the prototype for internal review, the W3C team updated the items in the navigation to reflect ongoing changes to the sitemap.

Feedback on the third prototype

Most of the feedback indicated that people still found the child/grandchild hierarchy hard to understand and scan. The sheer number of links in some of the dropdowns was problematic - ‘Get involved’ now had over 20! I think this highlights how important it is to stress test designs and prototypes with real content, and not relying on placeholder content.

We agreed to pause on further iterations of the navigation prototype until the site map had been finalised and decisions made on prioritising which items would be included in the navigation.

Making the navigation pattern work without JavaScript

While puzzling over how to present a mixture of child and grandchild links in a way that users would easily understand, a comment was made about whether the navigation needed JavaScript. The Internet Engineering Task Force was cited as an example that seemed to work well without JS. The dropdowns on this site are triggered on hover.

We pushed back on this. Having previously built sites that only display navigation dropdowns on hover, we have since re-considered our approach because of the usability problems posed by hover menus. Additionally, just because something does not use JavaScript does not make it a better solution. I don’t like using JavaScript where it’s not needed, but to fully meet WCAG 2.1 - particularly Success Criteria 1.4.13 a CSS-only dropdown menu needs JavaScript to make sure it is dismissable.

Icon fonts or SVGs?

On top of accessibility and performance, the W3C team want to optimise the readability of markup. Concerns were raised about my use of inline SVGs for icons, and they pointed to an example of the icon font technique on their website.

There are plenty of articles about the pros and cons of icon fonts compared to SVGs. Our preference is to use SVGs for some of the reasons outlined in this post by Ian Featherstone

One of the things I really like about using SVGs is the ability to combine multiple <path> elements with <display: none;> in CSS to hide and show different parts of a single SVG. I have used this for the icons indicating the presence of a dropdown menu, and as a neat way of flipping icons for right-to-left languages. But the concern made me wonder whether I could do better with my SVG implementation, to make the markup a bit less verbose and potentially improve performance.

Version 4

The biggest change for the fourth prototype was a reduction in the number of items included in the navigation. There are now just two levels of navigation, and the second level will contain a curated selection of links to different regions. This makes the dropdown far easier to scan on large screens.

Some design tweaks were made, to help make the link to the landing page clearer, and a snippet of text has been added to the large version of the dropdown to explain the nature of the linked content it contains. This is hidden on small screens to save space. Where the landing page link is repeated after this text, I have used the approach outlined by Sara Soueidan to optimize the keyboard navigation.

Revisiting SVGs

I reviewed my use of inline SVGs in the prototypes and made a couple of different choices:

  1. In some places it made more sense to replace an inline SVG with an image using an SVG src, so that the files are cached - the W3C logo, for example.
  2. In the navigation (and some other areas) I have made use of the <use> element to link to a <symbol> within an external SVG file. This makes the markup a bit less verbose, and that SVG file will again be cached.

Cutting out some ARIA

In the earlier prototypes I was using aria-expanded on the triggers for the off-canvas navigation and dropdowns, and aria-hidden on the targets of those triggers. I then learned from Adrian Roselli’s article about disclosure widgets that just using aria-expanded was enough. This meant that I could trim back both the CSS and the JavaScript! It was also a good reminder of the first rule of ARIA.


The navigation has gone through several rounds of design and prototyping, and is yet to be accessibility and compatibility tested by our partners at the Digital Accessibility Centre (DAC) and Zoonou, so there may well be more changes to come. But getting this far feels like a milestone achievement in the project.

Navigation is an important part of any website, and I fully expect my code to receive close scrutiny. While I’m sure there will be differences of opinion, and the navigation will continue to develop, I have tried my best to make informed decisions and provide a solid user experience.
