
Weeknotes, 24 Jul

This week we had a couple of important meetings with W3C to report back on our IA recommendations and to review CMS options.

Both are key areas of the project and full of complexities we’re trying to solve. We expect it will be a few weeks until we can report back on an agreed direction on both items.

Information Architecture

We published our IA recommendations and presented these to W3C on Thursday. We had lots of good feedback from the W3C project review team, some of which we’ll be following up next week. We plan to update the proposed sitemap and run another navigation tree test once this is done.

CMS platform

We published an update on CMS platform options and discussed this with the Systems Team. We have identified a number of CMS options, however, after a light touch accessibility review we have some concerns. We need to do more work to understand the impact of this and what other options we may have.

Final thoughts

What was good: getting positive feedback on our IA recommendations, though there’s more work to do! Good to see the many threads of work start to come together into a more solid form.

What we found challenging: reviewing accessibility in CMS platforms, many tools don’t really seem to consider this from the outset which has made for some difficult decisions around how we ensure editing tools are accessible for all users.

What are we looking forward to: iterating the IA to get to an agreed site organisation within the next few weeks.

We also have a few weeks of annual leave coming up for various folk, so things may be a little quieter here until mid-August.