Listing and post pages design
Updates Design Content Planning
Back in early December we identified the listing and related post pages that would be required for the W3C website. We supplied a specification detailing the content for each template. This week we completed the design work to illustrate the content and functionality on these pages, for the W3C team to review.
The templates designed are:
A blog listing page To illustrate the news-type listing template, used for the blog, news, in-the-media and press release listing pages.
A blog post page To illustrate the news-type post template, used for the blog, news and press release pages.
An event listing page To illustrate the event-type listing pages, used for the talks, workshops, meetings and conferences listing pages.
An event entry page To illustrate the event-type entry pages, used for the talk, workshop and meeting event entry pages.
A people listing page To illustrate the people-type listing template, used for the people, evangelists, invited experts and alumni listing pages
A members listing page To illustrate the members listing template
Next steps? Feedback from the W3C team on any changes required to the content or functionality of these pages.